Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shit I'm Into, January 2011 Edition

I've decided to fancy up my blog a little bit. I made some pages. Each month I'm going to make a list of 10 things that are currently striking my fancy and will update under the "Currently Into" tab-page thingy at the top. I've also opened up comments.

Here's my first list, for January 2011. I know I'm jumping the gun by a few days, but it's already 2011 in my mind anyway.


The Complete Stories by Kafka
How could I have made it this far in life without reading "The Metamorphosis"?

The raddest band you've never seen.

Twelve Stories
Everything they've published makes me glad.

Law and Order SVU Season 11 *hangs head in shame*
I blame addiction to bad dialogue mixed with morbid curiosity.

It's all about Dirty Mind.

$20 at Trader Joe's = weeks of warm-fuzzy happiness.

My aquarium
I got some new rummy-nosed tetras which I prefer to call zebra-skirted red-lipsticked ladies.

Return of the pink hair
After a two and a half year break, pink is back.

Streetfighter II Turbo Edition
I recently invoked the spirit of Chun Li and beat the whole thing in one sitting. I did have some help from a mysterious man who calls himself M. Bison.

Winnebago Man
The first movie I've watched two times in a row in years.


  1. Twelve Stories Press is indeed wonderful, and the concept behind the company is very interesting. I have a couple of their selections. Let me know if you want to borrow.

  2. Thanks, I thought they were just an online publication though? Maybe they share a name with another press. Anyway, I'd like to see what you have in order to solve this mystery.
